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Cooler Mornings Helping Conditions

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  Water levels are critically low on the rivers but the fish are still rising and taking in the deeper pools. Yesterday I was out with regular client John Hartigan and we had some fantastic fishing in the deeper pools.  There were quite a few olives hatching and fish were even keen to rise to the dry fly! [caption id="attachment_2682" align="aligncenter" width="922"] John with a lovely fish hooked while kneeling on the bank[/caption] Once again using long leaders and 7X Tippett (2lb) we were able to catch plenty of fish. John had even one fish over 1.5lbs. [caption id="attachment_2679" align="aligncenter" width="922"] Lovely fish returned[/caption] We have a lot of clients from all over the world in the last few weeks of the season so fingers crossed we will get some rain in the coming days

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