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Spey Casting with Jack Zagar

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Good friend and long time customer Jack Zagar was at Clonanav on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. On theTuesday evening we had some really nice trout fishing on the river Nire. There was only a small rise of fish, but we did manage to poke out a few nice ones with the dry and dropper. The next day we were on the river Suir salmon fishing and spey casting. Unfortunately the weather conditions were bright and sunny (ideal for getting a tan!) but not so good for catching salmon. However our main objective was working on Jacks spey casting and by the end of the day it was amazing! Seldom have I seen a student progress with such speed and conviction. By the time we finished Jack was able to do Circle Cs, Snake rolls, double spays - with both hands! Even the local anglers were impressed giving high praise and encouragement from the bank. A return visit is needed in September or when we ever get rain to put this great casting into practice and catch some salmon![gallery link="file" columns="6"]

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