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Enjoyable Fortwilliam Open Day

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Fortwilliam held its first open day under the new owners last weekend and it was a huge success. With over 40 anglers in attendance in glorious sunshine a great day was had by all.  The estate was purchased earlier this year by David and Phillipa Evans-Bevan.  The open day on Sunday was held to allow anglers to see the wonderful fishing available at Fortwilliam, The day was organised by fishery manager Paul Whelan.  Casting demos were held in the morning by myself Andrew Ryan and also Guideline PowerTeam member Kieran Conlon.  There was huge interest in the Guideline Exceed and LXi rods as well as the new range of shooting heads and running lines. A barbecue lunch was served on the Ellis beat with a great spread put on by Paul Whelans wife; Bridget. The fishery was open to guests for the afternoon to fish on any of the beats they wished. I would like to wish David and Phillipa the very best with their new venture here in Ireland! [gallery link="file" columns="6"]

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