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Fishing starting to Improve

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After several really cold harsh weeks the weather has begun to get a little milder. With the absence of the cold bitter east wind fishing on the rivers has started to pick up.  For the past few weeks conditions have been difficult with very few insects hatching and fishing holding down deep.   The past few days have seen an improvement in hatches and fish have become far more active. We have had some really good days on the Tar, Anner and Nire. The Suir has been high the past week or so with the heavy rain last week. It is dropping back quickly and should be in good order in the next few days. Bo Ivanovic a seasoned angler from the UK had a few excellent days on the Tar and Anner getting some nice fish. Mainly on the nymph with very few fish rising.  Bo has fished all over the world and is an exceptional trout angler.[gallery link="file" columns="6"] Alec Birchall and his two sons Charles and Rob have been fishing with us for over 10 years. They had some good sport in difficult conditions last week.  

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