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New Course dates

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New Dates 2012

We are running a few final course dates for 2012.  You last chance to get on the river before the season ends!

1 Day Beginners Course

Our 1 day course is ideally suited to those who have never fly fished before and would like an introduction to the sport. On the course you will learn - casting, tackle setup, how to choose correct tackle, safety, fishing techniques, and knots. 1 day courses commence at 10 am and finish at 5 pm.
1 Day Beginners Course Buy Online
Trout Fly Fishing Course - Beginners to intermediate
20 October 2012
€160 per person
Includes - Course from 10 am to 5 pm, equipment, fishing permit and lunch. Course Notebook/CD
1 Day River Course If you have been on one of our beginners courses and would like to take your fly fishing to the next level this course is ideal for you. The morning part of the course takes place on our casting ponds with the emphasis on improve your casting skills learing to single/double haul, mend line, jump roll. In the afternoon we move to the river and you will learn some river fishing skills - fishing with dry flies, nymphs, and wet flies.
NEW River Courses 2012 - Buy Online
River Fly Fishing Course - Beginners to intermediate *NEW
22 September 2012
€160 per person
Includes - Course from 10 am to 5 pm, equipment, fishing permit and lunch. Course Notebook/CD

Salmon Spey Casting Course - New 

Salmon fishing is often perceived to be very difficult, but join one of our new courses for 2011 and learn to Spey cast the easy way. These one day intensive courses are the ideal way of getting into salmon fishing and you will learn single and double spey, switch casts, how to spot salmon lies, and much more!
NEW Spey Casting Course 2012 - Buy Online
Spey Casting Course - Beginners to intermediate
29 September 2012
€160 per person
Includes - Course from 10 am to 5 pm, equipment, fishing permit and lunch. Course Notebook/CD - NB - does not include state licence

Booking Details

Deposits can be paid via cheque, postal order or credit debit card. A deposit of 50% is required to secure your place. If you wish to cancel or reschedule this must be done 7 days before course otherwise you will forfeit your deposit/payment/course voucher. However if you do wish to reschedule your course date please phone or email us. Dowload booking form

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