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Angsmark Party from Sweden

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  [caption id="attachment_2700" align="aligncenter" width="518"] Henrik with a beautiful Nire Fish[/caption] This week we had some great guys over from Sweden. Fredrik, Jim and Henrik had some amazing fishing all week. They are excellent anglers and had a fantastic time on the rivers here.  It was their first time using a dry and dropper rig and it worked really well, with them catching large numbers of trout each day ranging in size from a few inches up to 2lbs The guys started off with a refresher on their casting and then moved to the river. They were not used to fishing fine tippet like here so quite a few flies were left in the trees!  However they did have some really good fishing during the week. The water is still incredibly low, but the change in temperature and more damp conditions are improving the fishing.  We are still hoping for some rain to bring up water levels. There is some rain forecast for Sunday, but I doubt it will be enough to raise water levels. With only a few weeks left in the season we just have a few slots left for guiding.  However we will be doing some guided days for salmon on the blackwater for the first 2 weeks of October.  For more info contact us[gallery link="file" columns="6"]
Jim getting a nice fish to the net

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