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Simon Gawesworth at Clonanav Fly Fishing

Simon Gawesworth at Clonanav Fly Fishing

Andrew Ryan |

On the 8th and 9th of June we had the honour of hosting one of the worlds most renowned Spey casting instructors and Demonstrators - Simon Gawesworth.  Simon was here to demonstrate the new range of Sage R8 Spey rods and the new range of Outbound Elite lines from Rio.  The event was very well received and we had a big number in attendance for the demos.

On Sunday the 9th Simon ran a spey casting clinic on the Suir - this allowed the participants to get more time with Simon and really hone their spey casting skills.  All the students really enjoy the day and hugely benefited from his spey casting experience.

On the Monday Simon managed to get some fishing time and was hugely impressed with the river Suir as a salmon fishery.  There were quite a few fish showing and we managed to land a really fresh run fish that morning.  Several other fish were showing and we had a few more takes.  Simon was really impressed with the Suir as a salmon river and how catch and release has been such a success on the system.


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